This image shows my design for a cricket pavillion we had to design for a college unit. Other students submitted design but mine was chosen due to the design and its feasibility.
We had very limited space to work with and had to design a pavillion with WC, three changing rooms, one storage room and shower facilities.
The design to the right is my google sketch up model of the cricket pavillion design. This was not required at the time but I felt by creating a 3 dimensional model the 'client' would have much more of an idea of his/her finished product.Developing my Drawings and CAD Skills
These next two images are examples of work I did in my first year not relating to my college work. To prepare or university I wanted to take images and try to recreate them aswell as I could both using a pencil and a computer.
This image is a transparent view of my google sketch up design, of the above image.
Modular Design
To the left is another image of a design for a unit in my course. I wanted to produce the most basic building but try to make it look interesting. So I created the sections as you may be able to see in the image, the building is split into three.
Tameside College Classroom New Build
The next three images all relate to a project in college that I am extremly excited about. Tameside college have been looking to provide a new classroom for my course for 3-4 years now so our tutor decided to ask us to create designs for it to present to the principle. My design was chosen and to the right is one of the first concpet images. It is a structurally insulated panel design built in sections, it is lightweight reducing its substructure. It has a two week build programme and is completely relocatable.
Before we were able to present this idea to the principle and govenors we needed to produce a full project. We were all appointed roles such as interior designers, project managers, quantity surveyors etc. I was appointed lead designer and was tasked with producing techincal drawings, specifications, several layouts, CAD models and a concept model shown below.
To the right is my concept model which I am very proud of being my first one. This took me between 8-10 hours and alot of glue.
As I said before the building is relocatable. This was a major advantage to the client because in 3-4 years time the college is relocating to the town centre. It was critical that if they were to back the project it needed to comply with the relocation.
To the left is one of the layouts of the building, for this I used turbo CAD. The reason for my being excited about this project mainly is that recently I met with the principle and he explained that they want the back the project and commencing the 7th of January we start work creating detailed plans, programmes, feasibility studies, cost analysis etc.
Tameside College Relocation Design
As I explained before, my college is relocating in the next 3-4years. After speaking with the principle he has asked if I have any ideas for any of the new college buildings and asked me if I could make a concept model just for ideas. So I decided on designing the A level facility which would maybe become the cental hub with student services, receptions, libaries etc. The strcuture has sixteen classrooms, one main library, one reception and admin area and one canteen. The reason for the different heights is that being in a town centre the priciple wanted other buiding to be seen from different angles and wanted the college to complement them.
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